As a kid, I remember my cousin reciting this poem “Keep-A-Goin” by Frank L. Stanton. Since I …
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ADA, Diabetes, LA Fitness, Living With Diabetes, Low Carb Dieting, Managing Diabetes
As a kid, I remember my cousin reciting this poem “Keep-A-Goin” by Frank L. Stanton. Since I …
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cooking, Cycling, Low Carb Dieting, processed foods, salmon, vegan
Another vlog. A review of "What The Health" documentary, a new healthy lifestyle tip, and …
It’s the hands-down favorite of nutritionists because of its low glycemic index. Made from the sap …
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“Scientists from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have found that people who eat a …
Friend: “Have you thought about applying for a job at Fitbit?”Me: “No.” Actually I was …
“It’s Best Burger is a cheese burger between two Krispy Kreme doughnuts” Wallet Pop In a previous …
Arabian Proverb