I made the switch! I’ve been using SweetLeaf’s Stevia for about a week. Basically, the only Splenda I had this week was a diet lemonade from Chick-fil-A, one of my guilty pleasures. Honestly, SweetLeaf was pretty good. It doesn’t have a bitter aftertaste, the aftertaste is hard to describe other than it’s…hmmm, refreshing. The sweetness is not a syrupy, sugary, type sweet, it’s more of a….hmmm, refreshing sweetness. That’s it, SweetLeaf is a refreshing all natural sweetener!
Ironically, my morning GL levels averaged about 3 points lower than the previous few weeks. Coincidence? Maybe, probably, who knows? I’ll see how my GL level plays out over the next few months. In any case, the favorite daughter is happy I’m using an all-natural, clean, organic, sweetener. I’m drawing the line at this Yoga stuff she wants me to try. Namaste.
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