The main thing is to keep moving, right? Had the brilliant idea to get some exercise in by shoveling snow since I may not get a chance to cycle this weekend. Needless to say, now I truly realize the difference between shoveling almost 2 feet of snow compared to the 4 or so inches we normally get. After about 10 minutes and a sore back I called it quits! I only shoveled about one fiftieth of the driveway! This Nor’easter dumped too much dang snow for little ole’ me to shovel. I’ll just wait until the snow removal guy comes tomorrow morning.
Seriously, those with known heart disease should take extra precautions when shoveling snow. Also if you have risks factors of heart disease, such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, being over 50, family history of heart disease, smoking and inactivity, discuss with your doctor prior to shoveling snow. Here’s a good article, The Scoop on Shoveling Snow, by Heartland Manor Care on this topic.
Not only has the snow hampered my physical activity, eating clean while having to work from home unexpectedly is also tough! Oh well, guess I will be a lazy, dirty eating, son of a gun for the rest of the week.
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