This clean eating lifestyle journey I’ve begun with the favorite daughter (FD) has been interesting. Mainly because there are so many variations of what constitutes clean eating. The basic definition as defined by Clean Eating magazine is “consuming food in its most natural state, or as close to it as possible. It is not a diet; it’s a lifestyle approach to food and its preparation leading to an improved life – one meal at a time.” The variations in this lifestyle approach come from the interpretation of the statement “as close to it [natural state] as possible”. Some clean eaters have a very strict interpretation of this statement, if it’s been processed in any form or has any ingredient that’s not natural it’s not clean. For instance, pasteurized milk is not clean for the person that’s following a strict interpretation of what constitutes clean eating because pasteurization processes the product. Heck, the last time I drank unpasteurized milk was when I was a child. Didn’t like “fresh” milk then, doubt I would like it now. Furthermore, do I really want to purchase “fresh” unpasteurized milk? I think not! Sounds unsanitary and dangerous! Luckily the FD guideline is as long as it doesn’t have any added chemicals its fine. So for her, pasteurized milk is fine as long as it’s organic. Since I’m attempting to have a “Clean-like” lifestyle approach, pasteurized milk was never off the table for me. But knowing if I got organic pasteurized milk would keep the FD off my back, organic milk it is! So for my “clean-like” approach I will reduce my processed food intake, eat fresh fruit and vegetables (organic if I can), and keep a close count on my carb intake to keep my glucose level in check.
Tiffany McCauley, The Gracious Pantry blogger, is a good source on the ABC’s of Clean Eating. Go here to read her post on What is Clean Eating.
Based on the initial research I’ve done so far, if a person with diabetes does adopt a clean eating life style it would help manage their blood glucose levels tremendously. In my next post I’ll share what I’ve found thus far.
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