“Have you given up on your foot?”
I’ve been asked this question several times by my team and readers over the past few months. So I sit here at my keyboard only a few hours after returning from Florida to attend my father’s funeral, trying to figure out what happened, among other things, to my blog, taking control of my healthcare, and my low-carb style. Honestly, I don’t know what happened. First I missed a day, then a few days turned into a week, then weeks turned into months…
And yes, my father had both of his feet but unfortunately he was on the needle (that’s an insulin needle for the “diabetic free” folks)… So if this isn’t enough to get me motivated again, I guess nothing will, right?
Although I’ve been on hiatus, my gl has stayed in checked (whew!) but I’ve gained over 7 lbs… 🙁 I guess the point here is taking control of your healthcare is a lifelong journey, and because of this, there may be times when you just may fall off the wagon. But life events have a way of getting your attention…
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