“Dude, get your ass in shape. Hey, do you really drink that wheatgrass stuff? What are the benefits”
This is a text message I received the other day from one of my buddies, one of my team members. My answers were, I’m working on it, yes I do, and numerous. It’s amazing when I tell someone what I’m doing to control my diabetes, the bulk of their questions are always centered around the wheatgrass juice.
If you recalled in one of my previous blogs about my friend with the liver disease, his regime also included wheatgrass juice. During my marathon research on diabetes I ran across research by Ann Wigmore and several articles whereas people with Type II diabetes had success controlling their glucose levels by drinking wheatgrass juice. Because of his success and the data I was collecting, I wanted to try it also. My friend actually grows and juices his own wheatgrass juice daily. Because of my daily schedule, plus my brown thumb, I knew I couldn’t consistently grow, harvest, and juice it every morning. However, I was able to find a vendor, Dynamic Greens, where I could buy frozen wheatgrass juice and have it shipped to me overnight. And yes, it tastes and smells just like a freshly cut lawn….yuck!! Honestly, now that I’ve been doing this for over a year now, it doesn’t taste bad, well as bad, anymore.
Today’s blog isn’t a “sell” to push Dynamic Green’s wheatgrass juice. Although I do have their advertising banner on my site, but I’m always asked about wheatgrass juice so this is just a matter of fact of what I’m doing in regards to wheatgrass juice.
I just want to commend you for coming forward and trying to encourage others about "our" disease. That's right, about 4 years ago, I too heard my doctor say those dreaded words of me having "borderline" diabetes. We both know there is no such thing…either you have it or you don't. Of course I was in denial the first few years and still partially refuse to accept the fact. However, I have decided to move forward in combining my Metformin w/Cinnamon capsules. I often wondered why the older generation would conjure up those concoctions of herbs & spices…now I know that they knew more than the scientists and doctors! If I can just get motivated enough to MOVE! Exercise! By the way, Beautiful picture of Niagra Falls! Absolutely Beautiful!
Thanks Debra D., for your wonderful comments!!! I also take 2 capsules of cinnamon… As far as exercise is concern, don’t exercise, just gradually change some of your habits. First, park your car a little farther than you would normally. If you normally ride an elevator, you can initially walk downstairs and ride up. Just make a few small modificatons…. Thanks for stopping by!!!!